Tuesday, February 11, 2014



Discovering she was going to be living in Colorado indefinitely, how would my mother get me to stay with her?
By the middle of August, mother decided she should job hunt now that she was living in Colorado, it seemed Joe might need a few extra months to realize how much he missed her. She found a job at a downtown supermarket and began a regular work routine after having two months off.
Meanwhile, I reminded her that I would be going back to New England to continue High School. This was a great thing to note on my end as it wasn't like I had a plane ticket, or any means of getting to an airport. In fact I only realize now how tenuous my return was as all she had to do was not buy a plane ticket, or not let me know dad had sent her one for me, and I would be trapped.
With her working, I pretty much stayed to the same routine of writing code at home and trying it out three days a week at the local Radio Shack. By the end of the Summer I had five working computer programs under my belt and saved to tape. The reason my friend Jonathan had sought out the TRS-80 Computer in school was because his father had bought him one as part of preparing him for his eventual career as an Engineer. As a result I was eagerly anticipating my return to New England so I could show off the games I had created over the summer break.
With the end of August rapidly approaching, mother took her new found earnings and tried to woo me to stay in Colorado by giving me money to buy a number of record albums. She also bought me a customized bed; as I reached my early teens, I had neared my adult height of just under six feet tall. This left my feet and head bumping into the head and foot boards of the bunk beds and I had taken up sleeping crouched sideways to fit. The bed mother had built for me was longer than the typical twin bed. The good news was I could lie flat in it and my feet wouldn't be hanging over the end, the bad news was stores didn't have sheets that size for sale, so mother took the more worn sheets from my bunk bed days and cut them up into quarters. She then sewed them to the end of the better looking sheets, thus giving me sets long enough to fit the bed. She made sure all the sown-on pieces were at the foot of the bed so they'd be hidden by the blanket and comforter, but when lying on the bed I'd feel the sown ridges against my calves and I had to be careful sliding my legs in and out of the bed less my toe nails catch.
She further made sure she and I filled-in my bedroom by unpacking everything, getting it nicely in the closet, hung on the walls, on the shelves and generally make the new apartment's bedroom everything I'd want in a bedroom. She then started talking about where I'd go to school. I reminded her that I was returning to New England for school. She then started to openly lobby me to stay as she didn't want to be alone. I reminded her of my not as older brother living nearby in Denver but she said she had been disappointed that he hadn't visited more often. I think he had come at least once every other week which seemed more often than when we lived at the New England apartment, but in reality what she meant was she didn't want to be in a town where she knew no one and she wouldn't even have me anymore as her unwilling confidante.
I assured her that I was going back to New England to finish school. So she then tried the threatening path. If I went back to New England, I would lose everything! All my stuff, all my books, all my games, all my record albums, my stereo, etc. All I'd have to take back with me was one suitcase of clothes. I felt that was a fair deal in return for finishing High School with the friends I had known for all my years. Further, I already had my bedroom at dad's house with much of my stuff in it and, most importantly to me at the time, I had the cassette tape of my computer programs. For me, it was the true measure of what I had gained during that first Summer in Colorado. But I didn't share any of this with her, I just said: ''Okay.''
I don't know who bought the airplane ticket back to New England for me. And in fact, during all my summers visiting mother in Colorado I never knew who did, but I suspected there was a little trade-off between the parents. The Wednesday before Labor day I stopped by the Radio Shack one last time and said goodbye to Ralph and the new guy who'd recently joined the store. Mother actually made dinner for us that night and I packed my one allowed suit case, cassette tape hidden inside and I was taken to the airport. The flight back was, thankfully, non-stop so I didn't have to worry about changing planes, this being my first flight alone. Father met me at the gate in Logan airport, and drove me home.
It was a quiet drive back to the home town and I was so thankful to be getting back. As we arrived at the house and I got my suitcase out of the back of the car, this was when my father mentioned that I would need to stay in another bedroom, now. During the Summer, he had emptied out my family home bedroom to make it his library. He had mounted all the walls with board and bracket shelves and his science fiction book collection was now housed there. This stunned me as I hadn't expected to come home to find my bedroom was gone. All my belongings in it, he had gotten rid off. No trace remained. Despite the fact that the adjoining bedroom next to his was the empty white room where my eldest brother had sketched the nude on the wall six years earlier, my father didn't use that. My eldest brother's original bedroom, that even my not as older brother hadn't used for over the past two years, that remained untouched as well. The empty bedroom that had originally been my sister's, then my mother's and eventually my not as older brother's during his last year living at the house, my father hadn't used that room either even though all it had was the bed frame and bare mattress.
It was that last bedroom that my father pointed me to as the place where I could stay. My eldest brother's bedroom was right next door as a ready to use bedroom, but as I'd been pointed to the room with the bare bed, that's where I went to. As my father picked me up late at the airport given the two hour difference between Colorado time and New England time, it was after dinner and Pappy was already watching evening shows in his apartment, if not to bed, so there was little to do but go to bed, myself.
But as I was on Colorado time, I wasn't sleepy at all. I looked out the bedroom window for a bit, the same one I had first spied the haying machines from twelve years earlier, but the hayfield was too dark to make out anything. Instead my eyes were drawn to the main grocery store lights peaking through the trees beyond and the edge of the shopping strip that had been built next to the store during the intervening years. After a while, not knowing where any bedsheets or pillows might be kept and not wanting to disturb my father who had gone to bed, I just curled up on the bare mattress and tucked my elbow under my temple for a pillow.

impatient? Paper, eBook
help me break even: Shop 

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