Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Blurb For Volume Two


After the strange twists and turns of my childhood I now enter the first decade of adulthood & beyond as I deal with the consequences of what I had been given, and the options I had yet to discover. As with the first part of my life, I find I can't say what is to become of me in a sentence or two that adequately explains how I went from being named after someone's pet dog, to getting that fateful phone call from Hollywood that dramatically changed my life, while leading to nothing. But my move out west also brings me many happy surprises, as well as devastating turns, and seemingly culminates in my untimely death... But this is A Freakish Life, after all, and even fate can be baffled by what happens next.

This is the continuing story of a ''professional'' writer who is failing to write a Tell All Blog, as the text leaves out a few decades, names and dates, coming to an apparent end that explains everything and resolves nothing. C'est la vie.

(follow me for updates!)

Volume One: Paper, eBook

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